Wild Life

Nov 16, 2020
Wildlife -a need to look upon Wildlife is an important part of mother earth. It is almost impossible to imagine the earth without the wildlife. So the beautiful wildlife needs to be protected from being destroyed. Wildlife conservation laws can’t do anything if we don’t feel the importance of wildlife by ourselves. Ever since humans evolved, we have changed the land cover of the earth gradually. Consequently, one of the most pressing issues today is the conservation of forest. It is not necessary that an area has to be populated with trees for it to be deemed as a forest. And in some cases, an area can be legally designated as a forest, regardless of the type of local vegetation. Overall, forests are the natural habitat of large scale wildlife, growth of trees, shrubs and different variety of plants which, unfortunately, are dwindling every year. Hence, conservation of forest is an important responsibility that all of us have to undertake. “Wherever there are wild animals in the world, there is always an opportunity for caring, compassion, and kindness.” – Paul Oxton Almost 31% of the earth’s land surface is covered by forests. According to a 2015 report, 23% of India’s land cover consists of the forest region. Trees and plants in the forest are an integral part of the ecosystem. It sustains life on the planet, provides clean air and shelter. Also, forests help conserve biodiversity. Forests provide many resources such as food, medicine, fabric, and raw materials. Apart from keeping a check on the global temperature, forests also contribute towards preventing soil from getting eroded and shelters more than 80% of the animal species and terrestrial biodiversity. They also aid in improving the socioeconomic aspects of a country. Wildlife refers to the animal species that are not domesticated. So, any living organism that lives in the forest region is associated with wildlife. It is found in almost all ecosystems such as rainforests, boreal forests, plains, grasslands, deserts etc. Wildlife provides great stability to our environment wherein they are involved in natural processes either directly or indirectly. Each living organism is placed in the food chain and is equally important, they may be a producer, a consumer or a decomposer, all these are interlinked and depend on each other for their survival. In order to preserve the world, we need to focus on the conservation of the flora and fauna of the world. With the loss of trees and by deforestation, there has been an immense loss of natural habitat of the wild animals. Many of the species are standing on the verge of being extinct. Poaching and hunting of the wild animals have also led to the destruction. Hence, we need to understand the need of the hour to preserve wildlife and act accordingly. In order to conserve them, several steps can be taken both by the government and by the people of the world. Wildlife prevention and conservation acts should be implemented strictly by the government. People should stop using the materials made by wild animals. This would decrease their hunting. Environmental education should be a compulsory subject to be taught in the schools and the colleges to make the upcoming generation very well known with the fact. BE MILD , SAVE WILD. -Aadil Arsh.S.R